Violent Crimes Attorney in Denver, CO
Even those who are unfamiliar with the criminal justice system in Colorado know a violent crime is a serious act that comes with harsh repercussions and penalties. In fact, violent crimes in Colorado are among the most serious and harshly penalized forms of criminal acts at both the state and federal levels. A violent felony conviction in Colorado carries the threat of incarceration, hefty fines, and a criminal record that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
You may be scared, sad, mad, or confused if you have been accused or charged with a violent offense in Colorado. You may also be concerned about how this charge will affect your personal and professional life. In addition, you probably aren’t sure how to proceed when your freedom and reputation are in jeopardy. That’s where violent crimes attorney Jeff Weeden of WeedenLaw comes in. As an experienced Denver criminal defense attorney, Mr. Weeden works aggressively to get your charges reduced, dropped, or otherwise dismissed. He will use his vast range of legal knowledge to provide you with the best opportunity to beat these charges. To discuss your situation and learn more about challenging violent criminal charges in Colorado, contact WeedenLaw ASAP.
What are Considered Violent Crimes?
Violent crimes are typically what pops into most people’s minds when they think of crime in general. These are crimes in which one person physically harms another, crimes with violence or threats of violence, and crimes involving weapons or actions that risk the life or safety of another. This means, to be considered a violent crime, a victim must have been harmed or at least threatened with harm or violence when the crime is committed.
According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, one of four types of offenses may be considered a violent crime: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Because they include bodily harm to another person, violent crimes are also referred to as “offenses against the person.” It’s important to remember that if a prosecutor can show that a threat was used, you don’t have to commit actual violence to be charged with or convicted of a felony violent crime.
Common Violent Crime Charges
There are several types of felony violent crimes, each with its own set of consequences. Criminal homicides, assault and battery, and domestic violence are among the most common.
Here are some of the most common examples of violent crimes in Colorado:
- CO assault and battery
- Domestic violence crimes in CO
- Kidnapping
- Murder/Homicide
- Manslaughter
- Robbery in CO
- Sexual assault in CO, including rape
- Vehicular homicide
As demonstrated, violent crimes encompass a range of criminal activities, including some that aren’t covered here. A violent crimes lawyer can tell you whether your circumstance qualifies as a violent crime once you provide the specifics of your case. Contact WeedenLaw’s office now for a more detailed explanation of Colorado violent crimes.
Penalties for Violent Crimes in CO
The harshest possible penalties are reserved for violent felonies. There’s a wide range of possible punishments for each particular crime, and sentences vary per the circumstances of each case. Your violent crimes attorney is familiar with these penalties, some of which may include:
- Prison. For people convicted of a crime, incarceration is a typical punishment. A conviction for a violent felony could result in a term of years, decades, or even life in prison.
- Fines. Fines for violent felonies are also significant, however they vary according to the circumstances of the case.
- Restitution. In addition to any fines, a person convicted of a violent felony may be ordered to pay restitution. Restitution is money paid to a victim in order to cover any medical bills or other expenditures incurred because of the crime.
- Probation. Probation can be imposed in addition to, or instead of, fines or prison.
- Death Penalty. Also known as capitol punishment, the death penalty is the harshest punishment available and is typically only applied to people guilty of murder. (However, treason crimes may also be punishable by death under federal law.)
What Happens to Minors Who Commit Violent Crimes?
While the adult justice system is punitive, the juvenile justice system in Colorado is more restorative. This means, instead of punishment, the aim is that juveniles receive treatment and rehabilitation. Juveniles receive the care and guidance they need, preferably in their own home, that best serves both their welfare and society’s interests.
On the other hand, jail or probation sentences of up to two years may be given to juveniles accused of serious and violent crimes. This also applies to juveniles facing less serious charges but who possess prior criminal records.
The most extreme offenses can send juveniles to the Department of Youth Corrections for a maximum of two years. Placement with social services, placement in a medical facility, or a requirement that the child complete an anger management program or other applicable program are possible penalties as well.
Sometimes, the state pursues charges in adult court against a minor. Colorado law permits prosecutors to try adolescents aged 14 and up as adults. This typically happens in cases where the child is accused of committing a violent offense such as murder.
Juveniles convicted as adults in Colorado may receive a suspended sentence only if they complete the Youthful Offender System, a program that prepares individuals aged 14 to18, as well as other felony cases aged 19 to 21, to be productive members of society. No matter whether your child is facing therapy and rehabilitation or jail time, seek the counsel of a Denver juvenile crimes defense lawyer as soon as possible.
Treatment of Juvenile Records
The release of juvenile records is normally prohibited. Only the juvenile, the juvenile’s parents, an attorney of record, and the juvenile’s guardian ad litem, as well as the probation department, the court, and any law enforcement agency in Colorado, can access these court records. However, access to juvenile records is permitted in cases where a juvenile has performed an act that would be considered a violent felony if committed by an adult. In most cases, juveniles are able to have their criminal record expunged with the help of a Denver expungement attorney. If your child has been charged with a crime, call WeedenLaw and speak to an attorney who can offer both juvenile defense and expungement services. The rights and future of your child are our number one concern.
What are Defenses to Violent Crimes?
One of the most popular legal defenses in Colorado for a violent crime accusation is self-defense. Self-defense laws in Colorado allow people to use physical force to defend themselves or others. However, you can only use as much force as you reasonably feel is required to halt the attack or impending harm.
In certain, very specific situations, the use of deadly force may be permitted. Retreating from harm is not required first before using deadly force to protect yourself. Keep in mind that scenarios exist where self-defense can’t be used as a defense. Among these are if you:
- Started and did not back down from a fight.
- Agreed to the use of force against you.
- Initiated the fight to cause harm to another person.
Many of the same rules that apply to self-defense also apply to the defense of others and the defense of property. The sole difference between self-defense and defense of others is that defense of others entails protecting someone else instead of yourself. Property defense is unique because unless it is to stop arson, the use of lethal force is never allowed.
Other defenses your violent crimes attorney may discuss with you include, but are not limited to:
- Having an alibi
- Law enforcement coerced a confession from you
- Double jeopardy
- You committed the crime because you were under duress
- Entrapment by police
- You were falsely accused
- Insanity
Charged With a Violent Crime in CO? Let WeedenLaw Be Your Voice
WeedenLaw is a criminal defense law firm serving clients in Denver, Lakewood, and the surrounding areas with effective and aggressive legal representation. We aim to help you through the complicated and confusing legal process associated with your criminal defense matter and ensure the best outcome for your case. Violent crimes attorney Jeff Weeden provides you with a free initial case consultation and reviews your legal concerns in an efficient manner. He will then provide you with an honest appraisal of your choices and where you should go from here.
Reach out to our experienced Colorado criminal defense lawyer to get straight to work on building your defense. To contact us, simply call us at 720-307-4330, email, or complete our online case review form.